
We offer customized workshops and consultation for individuals, families, communities, schools, colleges, and corporations to help them live sustainably. We actively engage in all initiatives and hold your hand every step of the way.

Take composting for instance, we show you how to reuse wet waste and compost within your home, apartment complex, or community. By doing so, you reduce your contribution to toxic landfills and comply with local municipal requirements for waste segregation. Additionally, you become self-sufficient for your gardening needs.

Water conservation is another initiative that we actively promote. We help you learn how to conserve water through your daily practices such as brushing your teeth, washing clothes, vegetables, and grains, as well as watering your plants. Every drop counts! We also show you how to invest in rainwater harvesting techniques in an inexpensive way and recharge ground water tables, ensuring conservation for the next generation.

Community engagement is critical for sustainable living, and we guide you to create a community that supports you and vice versa. We encourage you to share lessons learned and exchange practical tips, empowering you to make a difference.

Growing your own food is an enjoyable and satisfying way to live sustainably. We challenge your green thumb to grow food at home, in simple and easy-to-follow steps that require only a little bit of patience and observation.

Ethical money management is another area we specialize in. We help you ask yourself important questions about where your money comes from, how you earn and spend it, what you purchase, and where you invest. Understanding the social and environmental impact of your spending patterns and decisions is key to living a sustainable life.

We also promote a zero-waste lifestyle, which involves reducing your consumption footprint by focusing on needs rather than wants. We understand that walking this path is daunting at first, as it requires a change in mindset, but it is a satisfying journey once you see a change.

Finally, we offer guidance on Permaculture, which is a design system for resilient living and land use based on universal ethics and ecological design principles. Our aim is to help you apply these ethics and principles to day-to-day living at home, work, and in your community.

Join us in taking a step forward towards living sustainably through the key pillars of Earth Care, People Care, and Redistributing the Surplus.